Brainvitge - Cognition and Brain Plasticity Unit
Language is the most amazing skill that humans possess. It allows social interaction, can make us cry, laugh and transmit our most complex thoughts. Comprehending the cognitive processes involved in language learning is of critical importance for our understanding of why under certain conditions language learning is impaired.
Language learning research has often offered explanations bounded within the language domain, ignoring the importance of other cognitive functions. Our group uses an integrative approach at the edge of different research fields combining information from brain-damaged patients and imaging in healthy individuals to understand the neural and cognitive mechanisms engaged since the earliest stages of contact with a new language.
We are particularly interested in (1) the role of the attentional system in the acquisition of different aspects of language; (2) the role of the striatum as a brain structure that could make the interface between language and other cognitive functions necessary in the learning process; (3) how is the acquired information consolidated and modified by additional new information.
C/ Feixa Llarga, s/n
Pavelló de Govern - Edifici Modular
08907 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
Barcelona (Spain)
Language Learning, Development, Striatum, Huntington's Disease, Attention, Time processing
Contact Information
Telephone: +344 020 489