Journal Club Systems Neuroscience
Journal club
The systems neuroscience journal club is a weekly presential event to discuss recent papers from the field. Typical schedule is Friday, 10:00-11:00 (CET) at CEK, IDIBAPS. The topics are broad and include computational, cognitive and systems neuroscience.
If you are interested in being in the audience contact us.
Alexis Cerván & Balma Serrano, IDIBAPS
List of papers/ presenters
14/03/2025 Richman et al. Nature (2023). Neural landscape diffusion resolves conflicts between needs across time (presented by Caterina Barezzi)
07/03/2025 El-Gaby et al. Nature (2024). A cellular basis for mapping behavioural structure (presented by Alex Hyafil)
28/02/2025 Chen et al. Neuron (2024). Flexible control of sequence working memory in the macaque frontal cortex (presented by León)
21/02/2025 Monsalve-Mercado & Miller bioRxiv (2025). The geometry of the neural state space of decisions (presented by Kostas)
14/02/2025 Khilkevich et al. Nature (2024). Brain-wide dynamics linking sensation to action during decision-making (presented by Alexis Perez)
31/01/2025 Ruff et al. bioRxiv (2025). Linking neural population formatting to function (presented by Melanie Tschiersch)
24/01/2025 Vinograd et al. Nature (2024). Causal evidence of a line attractor encoding an affective state (presented by Klaus Wimmer)
10/01/2025 Pagan et al. Nature (2024). Individual variability of neural computations underlying flexible decisions (presented by Manuel Molano)
06/12/2024 Lappalainen et al. Nature (2024). Connectome-constrained networks predict neural activity across the fly visual system (presented by Lucía)
22/11/2024 Balsdon & Philiastides Nature Communications (2024). Confidence control for efficient behaviour in dynamic environments (presented by Alex Garcia-Duran)
15/11/2024 Bakhurin et al. bioRxiv (2023). Force tuning explains changes in phasic dopamine signaling during stimulus-reward learning (presented by Hernando)
08/11/2024 Micou & O’Leary bioRxiv (2024). Heavy-tailed statistics of cortical representational drift are advantageous for stabilised downstream readouts (presented by Bastian Eppler)
25/10/2024 Zylberberg & Shadlen bioRxiv (2024). Population Representation of the Confidence in a Decision in the Lateral Intraparietal Area of the Macaque (presented by Katerina)
18/10/2024 Ceccini et al. - No advance date (presented by Gloria Ceccini)
11/10/2024 Seung Nature (2024). Predicting visual function by interpreting a neuronal wiring diagram (presented by Alex Roxin)04/10/2024 Liao et al. Nature Neuroscience (2024). Inhibitory plasticity supports replay generalization in the hippocampus (presented by Pan Ye)
27/09/2024 Liu et al. Science (2021). Experience replay is associated with efficient nonlocal learning (presented by Marti)
20/09/2024 Linde-Domingo & Spitzer Nature Human Behaviour (2024). Geometry of visuospatial working memory information in miniature gaze patterns (presented by Albert Compte)
13/09/2024 Weilnhammer et al. PLOS Computational Biology (2023). Learning efficient representations of environmental priors in working memory (presented by Jaime de la Rocha)
12/07/2024 Hyafil et al. PLOS Biology (2024). Sensory processing in humans and mice fluctuates between external and internal modes (presented by Alex Hyafil)
28/06/2024 Linde-Domingo & Spitzer Nature Human Behaviour (2024). Emergence of cortical network motifs for short-term memory during learning (presented by León)
21/06/2024 Boboeva et al. eLife (2024). Unifying network model links recency and central tendency biases in working memory (presented by Aiswarya)
14/06/2024 Perez et al. Nature (2024). Volatile working memory representations crystallize with practice (presented by Alexis Perez)
07/06/2024 Moran et al. Nature Neuroscience (2023). Augmenting hippocampal-prefrontal neuronal synchrony during sleep enhances memory consolidation in humans (presented by Adrià Moran)
17/05/2024 Cos et al. PLOS Biology (2023). Hasty sensorimotor decisions rely on an overlap of broad and selective changes in motor activity (presented by Igansi Cos)
10/05/2024 Barezzi et al. Nature (2023). Distributed processing for value-based choice by prelimbic circuits targeting anterior-posterior dorsal striatal subregions in male mice (presented by Caterina Barezzi)
03/05/2024 Wimmer et al. bioRxiv (2022). Direct observation of the neural computations underlying a single decision (presented by Klaus Wimmer)
26/04/2024 Molano et al. Nature (2024). Natural language instructions induce compositional generalization in networks of neurons (presented by Manuel Molano)
19/04/2024 Tschiersch et al. Nature (2024). Building compositional tasks with shared neural subspaces (presented by Melanie Tschiersch)
12/04/2024 Ahmadlou et al. bioRxiv (2023). A subcortical switchboard for exploratory, exploitatory, and disengaged states (presented by Alexis Cervan)
22/03/2024 Kleinman et al. eLife (2023). A cortical information bottleneck during decision-making (presented by Lucía Arancibia)
15/03/2024 Vesuna et al. Nature (2020). Deep posteromedial cortical rhythm in dissociation (presented by Carles Sindreu)
08/03/2024 Luo et al. bioRxiv (2023). Transitions in dynamical regime and neural mode underlie perceptual decision-making (presented by Alexandre Garcia-Durán)
23/02/2024 de Gee et al. bioRxiv (2022). Strategic stabilization of arousal boosts sustained attention (presented by Balma Serrano)
16/02/2024 Perich et al. bioRxiv (2020). Inferring brain-wide interactions using data-constrained recurrent neural network models (presented by Alexandre Mahrach)
09/02/2024 Yuichiro, Kobayakawa & Kobayakawa. PNAS (2023). The temporal and contextual stability of activity levels in hippocampal CA1 cells (presented by Alex Roxin)
02/02/2024 Gupta et al. Nature Communications (2024). Trial-history biases in evidence accumulation can give rise to apparent lapses in decision-making (presented by Jaime de la Rocha)
26/01/2024 MacDowell et al. bioRxiv (2023). Multiplexed Subspaces Route Neural Activity Across Brain-wide Networks (presented by Alex Hyafil)
19/01/2024 Yang & Zhang. bioRxiv (2023). Sensory-memory interactions via modular structure explain errors in visual working memory (presented by Albert Compte)
12/01/2024 Sánchez-Fuenzalida et al. PNAS (2023). Predictions and rewards affect decision-making but not subjective experience (presented by Dani Linares)
15/12/2023 Madar, Dong & Sheffield. bioRxiv (2023). BTSP, not STDP, Drives Shifts in Hippocampal Representations During Familiarization (presented by Pan Ye)
17/11/2023 Kong, Wang & Xiao. Cellular Neurophysiology (2023). Neuron populations across layer 2-6 in the mouse visual cortex exhibit different coding abilities in the awake mice (presented by Melina Timplalexi)
10/11/2023 IBL et al. bioRxiv (2023). A Brain-Wide Map of Neural Activity during Complex Behaviour (presented by Alexis Cerván)
03/11/2023 Alleman et al. bioRxiv (2023). The neural basis of swap errors in working memory (presented by Melanie Tschiersch)
27/10/2023 Nakahashi & Cisek. J Neurophysiol (2023). Parallel processing of value-related information during multi-attribute decisions (presented by Ignasi Cos)
20/10/2023 Bauer et al. bioRxiv (2023). Sensory experience steers representational drift in mouse visual cortex (presented by Gloria Cecchini)
13/10/2023 Pophale et al. Nature (2023). Wake-like skin patterning and neural activity during octopus sleep (presented by Citlalli Vivar)
29/09/2023 Muscinelli, Wagner & Litwin-Kumar. Nature Neuroscience (2023). Optimal routing to cerebellum-like structures (presented by Klaus Wimmer)
15/09/2023 Chunharas et al. bioRxiv (2023). A gradual transition from veridical to categorical representations along the visual hierarchy during working memory, but not perception (presented by Alexis Pérez)
30/06/2023 Yin et al. bioRxiv (2023). Engaged decision-makers align spontaneous movements to stereotyped task demands (presented by Bastian Pietras)
23/06/2023 Geva et al. Neuron (2023.) Time and experience differentially affect distinct aspects of hippocampal representational drift (presented by Manuel Molano)
19/06/2023 Chen et al. Nature Communications (2022). Nigrostriatal dopamine pathway regulates auditory discrimination behavior (presented by Balma Serrano)
09/06/2023 Markowitz et al. Nature (2023). Spontaneous behaviour is structured by reinforcement without explicit reward (presented by Carles Sindreu)
02/06/2023 Li et al. bioRxiv (2023). Mechanisms of memory storage and retrieval in hippocampal area CA3 (presented by Alex Roxin)
19/05/2023 Pang et al. Elife (2022). Evolutionary shaping of human brain dynamics (presented by Alexandre Mahrach)
12/05/2023 Sarel et al. Nature (2022). Natural switches in behaviour rapidly modulate hippocampal coding (presented by Pan Ye)
05/05/2023 Shushruth, Zylberberg & Shadlen. Current Biology (2022). Sequential sampling from memory underlies action selection during abstract decision-making (presented by Alexis Cerván)
21/04/2023 Funamizu, Marbach, & Zador. bioRxiv (2023). Stable sound decoding despite modulated sound representation in the auditory cortex (presented by Jaime de la Rocha)
14/04/2023 Straub & Rothkopf. Elife (2022). Putting perception into action with inverse optimal control for continuous psychophysics (presented by Alex Hyafil)
31/03/2023 Tremblay et al. Nature Neuroscience (2023) Neural cognitive signals during spontaneous movements in the macaque (presented by Albert Compte)
24/03/2023 Purandare & Mehta bioRxiv (2022). Mega-scale movie-fields in the mouse visuo-hippocampal network (presented by Melina Timplalexi)
17/03/2023 Ho et al. medRxiv (2023). Targeted deep brain stimulation of the motor thalamus facilitates voluntary motor control after cortico-spinal lesions (presented by Bastian Pietras)
03/03/2023 Trautmann et al. bioRxiv (2023). Large-scale brain-wide neural recording in nonhuman primates (presented by Adrià Tausté)
24/02/2023 Galgali, Sahani & Mante. Nature Neuroscience (2023). Residual dynamics resolves recurrent contributions to neural computation (presented by Melanie Tschiersch)
10/02/2023 Jahn et al. Plos Biology (2023). Neural responses in macaque prefrontal cortex are linked to strategic exploration (presented by Ignasi Cos)
27/01/2023 Kreuz et al. New Journal of Physics (2017). Leaders and followers: quantifying consistency in spatio-temporal propagation patterns (presented by Gloria Cecchini)
20/01/2023 Buetfering et al. Nature Neuroscience (2022). Behaviorally relevant decision coding in primary somatosensory cortex neurons (presented by Citlalli Vivar)
13/01/2023 Zhou, Duong & Simoncelli. BioRxiv (2022). A common framework for discriminability and perceived intensity of sensory stimuli (presented by Dani Linares)
16/12/2022 Urai & Donner. Nature Communications (2022). Persistent activity in human parietal cortex mediates perceptual choice repetition bias (presented by Alexis Pérez)
2/12/2022 Yang et al. Nature Neuroscience (2022). Thalamus-driven functional populations in frontal cortex support decision-making (presented by Klaus Wimmer)
25/11/2022 Orsolic et al. Neuron (2021). Mesoscale cortical dynamics reflect the interaction of sensory evidence and temporal expectation during perceptual decision-making (presented by Manuel Molano)
4/11/2022 Breton-Provencher et al. Nature (2022). Spatiotemporal dynamics of noradrenaline during learned behaviour (presented by Carles SIndreu)
28/10/2022 Dong, Madar & Sheffield. Nautre Communications (2021). Distinct place cell dynamics in CA1 and CA3 encode experience in new environments (presented by Alex Roxin)
7/10/2022 Kim et al. Bioarxiv (2022). Distributing task-related neural activity across a cortical network through task-independent connections (presented by Leon).
30/9/2022 Georgiou et al. Nature Neuroscience (2022). Experimenters’ sex modulates mouse behaviors and neural responses to ketamine via corticotropin releasing factor (presented by Alexis Cerván)
23/9/2022 Gómez-Ocádiz et al. Nature Communications (2022). A synaptic signal for novelty processing in the hippocampus (presented by Pan Ye)
16/9/2022 Voitov & Mrsic-Flogel. Nature (2022). Cortical feedback loops bind distributed representations of working memory (presented by Jaime de la Rocha)
15/7/2022 Dubreuil et al. Nature Neuroscience (2022). The role of population structure in computations through neural dynamics (presented by Nicolas Pollán)
1/7/2022 Kuan et al. Bioarxiv (2022). Synaptic wiring motifs in posterior parietal cortex support decision-making (presented by Albert Compte)
20/5/2022 Inagaki et al. Cell (2022). A midbrain-thalamus-cortex circuit reorganizes cortical dynamics to initiate movement (presented by Alex Hyafil)
13/5/2022 Ramirez et al. Nature (2015). Activating positive memory engrams suppresses depression-like behaviour (presented by Balma Serrano)
6/5/2022 Semedo et al. Nature communications (2022) Feedforward and feedback interactions between visual cortical areas use different population activity patterns (presented by Melanie Tschiersch)
8/4/2022 Xie et al. Science (2022) Geometry of sequence working memory in macaque prefrontal cortex (presented by Klaus Wimmer)
1/4/2022 Bouchacourt et al. BioRxiv (2021) Interplay between rule learning and rule switching in a perceptual categorization task (presented by Manuel Molano)
25/3/2022 Qin et al. BioRxiv (2021) Coordinated drift of receptive fields during noisy representation learning. (presented by Alex Roxin)
4/3/2022 Nieh et al. Nature (2021) Geometry of abstract learned knowledge in the hippocampus. (presented by Citlalli Vivar)
25/2/2022 Schmack et al. Science (2021) Striatal dopamine mediates hallucination-like perception in mice. (presented by Dani Duque)
11/2/2022 Noel et al. PLOS Biology (2021) Individuals with autism spectrum disorder have altered visual encoding capacity (presented by Dani Linares)
4/2/2022 Hahn et al. eLife (2021) Working memory capacity of crows and monkeys arises from similar neuronal computations (presented by Leon)
28/1/2022 Hsin-Hung et al. Neuron (2021) Joint representation of working memory and uncertainty in human cortex (presented by David Bestue)
21/1/2022 Vercruysse et al. Plos computational biology (2021) Self-organization of a doubly asynchronous irregular network state for spikes and bursts (presented by Filip Vercruysse)
14/1/2022 Zhao et al. Neuron (2022) Rapid synaptic plasticity contributes to a learned conjunctive code of position and choice-related information in the hippocampus (presented by Pan Ye)
10/12/2021 Duan et al. Nature Neuroscience (2021) Collicular circuits for flexible sensorimotor routing (presented by Tiffany Oña)
3/12/2021 Kuchibhotla et al. Nature Communications (2019) Dissociating task acquisition from expression during learning reveals latent knowledge (presented by Alexis Cerván)
26/11/2021 Stroud et al. BioRxiv (2021) Optimal information loading into working memory in prefrontal cortex (presented by Nico Pollán)
19/11/2021 Sheintuch et al. Current Biology (2020) Multiple Maps of the Same Spatial Context Can Stably Coexist in the Mouse Hippocampus (presented by Amir Pasha)
12/11/2021 Cazettes et al. BioRxiv (2021) Reservoir of decision strategies in the mouse brain (presented by Jaime de la Rocha)
29/10/2021 Liu et al. Science (2021) Experience replay is associated with efficient nonlocal learning (presented by Emma Roscow)
15/10/2021 Peters et al. Nature (2021) Striatal activity topographically reflects cortical activity (presented by Dani Duque)
8/10/2021 Chen et al. Cell (2021) Modularity and robustness of frontal cortical networks (presented by Melanie Tschiersch)
1/10/2021 Zhao et al. Plos Computational Biology (2021) Stimulus-choice (mis)alignment in primate area MT (presented by Alex Hyafil)
17/09/2021 Yu et al. eLife (2021) The causal role of auditory cortex in auditory working memory (presented by Carles Sindreu)
10/09/2021 Jun et al. Nature Neuroscience (2021) Causal role for the primate superior colliculus in the computation of evidence for perceptual decisions (presented by Albert Compte)
16/07/2021 Daie et al. Nature Neuroscience (2021) Targeted photostimulation uncovers circuit motifs supporting short-term memory (presented by Txema)
09/07/2021 Norman et al. Neuron (2021) Post-error recruitment of frontal sensory cortical projections promotes attention in mice (presented by Balma Serrano)
02/07/2021 Hamilos et al. BioRxiv (2021) Slowly evolving dopaminergic activity modulates the moment-to-moment probability of movement initiation (presented by Lluís Hernández)
18/06/2021 Schoonover et al. Nature (2021) Representational drift in primary olfactory cortex (presented by Klaus Wimmer)
11/06/2021 Robinson et al. Cell (2020) Targeted Activation of Hippocampal Place Cells Drives Memory-Guided Spatial Behavior (presented by Federicco)
04/06/2021 Plitt & Giocomo. Nature Neuroscience (2021) Experience-dependent contextual codes in the hippocampus (presented by Alex Roxin)
28/05/2021 Ahmadlou et al. Science (2021) A cell type–specific cortico-subcortical brain circuit for investigatory and novelty-seeking behavior (presented by Manuel Molano)
21/05/2021 Zatka-Haas et al. BioRxiv (2020). A perceptual decision requires sensory but not action coding in mouse cortex (presented by Citlalli)
14/05/2021 Reinert et al. Nature (2021). Mouse prefrontal cortex represents learned rules for categorization (presented by Dani Duque)
07/05/2021 Rahnev. BioRxiv (2020).Response bias reflects individual differences in sensory encoding (presented by Dani Linares)
23/04/2021 van Kempen et al. Neuron (2021).Top-down coordination of local cortical state during selective attention (presented by Gabriela Mochol)
16/04/2021 Libby & Buschman. Nature Neuroscience (2021).Rotational dynamics reduce interference between sensory and memory representations (presented by Leon)
09/04/2021 Gava et al. Nature Neuroscience (2021).Integrating new memories into the hippocampal network activity space (presented by Pan Ye)
26/03/2021 Pardo-Vazquez et al. Nature Neuroscience (2019). The mechanistic foundation of Weber’s law (presented by Alexis)
12/03/2021 Akam et al. Neuron (2021). The Anterior Cingulate Cortex Predicts Future States to Mediate Model-Based Action Selection. (presented by Tiffany Oña)
05/03/2021 Finkelstein et al. BioRxiv (2019).Attractor dynamics gate cortical information flow during decision-making (presented by Nico)
19/2/2021 Hallenbeck et al. BioRxiv (2021).Working Memory Representations in Visual Cortex Mediate the Effects of Distraction. (presented by David Bestue)
12/2/2021 McKenzie et al. Neuron (2021). Preexisting hippocampal network dynamics constrain optogenetically induced place fields. (presented by Emma Roscow)
05/2/2021 Rubin et al. Nature Communications (2019). Revealing neural correlates of behavior without behavioral measurements. (presented by Amir Pasha)
29/1/2021 Peixoto et al. Nature (2021). Decoding and perturbing decision states in real time. (presented by Jaime de la Rocha)
22/1/2021 Sweeney & Clopath. eLife (2021). Population coupling predicts the plasticity of stimulus responses in cortical circuits. (presented by Melanie Tschiersch)
15/1/2021 Pisupati et al. eLife (2021). Lapses in perceptual decisions reflect exploration. (presented by Carles Sindreu)
8/1/2021 Zhuang et al. bioRxiv (2021). Unsupervised Neural Network Models of the Ventral Visual Stream. (presented by Alex Hyafil)
18/12/2020 Lam et al. bioRxiv (2017). Effects of Altered Excitation-Inhibition Balance on Decision Making in a Cortical Circuit Model. (presented by Jose Mari Esnaola)
11/12/2020 Cavanagh et al. eLife(2020).A circuit mechanism for decision-making biases and NMDA receptor hypofunction (presented by Albert Compte)
4/12/2020 Musall et al. Nature Neuroscience (2019).Single-trial neural dynamics are dominated by richly varied movements (presented by Lluís Hernández)
27/11/2020 Xie et al. PNAS (2020). Working memory capacity predicts individual differences in social-distancing compliance during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States (presented by Balma Serrano)
20/11/2020 Sauerbrei et al. Nature (2019).Cortical pattern generation during dexterous movement is input-driven (presented by Dmitrii Todorov)
5/11/2020 Chaudhuri et al. Nature Neuroscience (2019).The intrinsic attractor manifold and population dynamics of a canonical cognitive circuit across waking and sleep (presented by Klaus Wimmer)
30/10/2020 Kim et al. Nature Communications (2020). Place cell maps slowly develop via competitive learning and conjunctive coding in the dentate gyrus (presented by Federico)
23/10/2020 Milstein et al. bioRxiv (2020). Bidirectional synaptic plasticity rapidly modifies hippocampal representations independent of correlated activity (presented by Alex Roxin)
16/10/2020 Najafi et al. Neuron (2020).Excitatory and Inhibitory Subnetworks Are Equally Selective during Decision-Making and Emerge Simultaneously during Learning (presented by Amir Pasha)
9/10/2020 Garret & Daw. Nature Communications (2020).Biased belief updating and suboptimal choice in foraging decisions (presented by Manuel Molano)
2/10/2020 Cohen et al. Nature (2020). Hidden neural states underlie canary song syntax (presented by Dani Duque)
25/9/2020 Keysers et al. Nature Neuroscience (2020).Using Bayes factor hypothesis testing in neuroscience to establish evidence of absence (presented by Dani Linares)
18/9/2020 Minxha et al. Science (2020).Flexible recruitment of memory-based choice representations by the human medial frontal cortex (presented by Citlalli)
17/7/2020 Kim & Sejnowski. bioRxiv (2020). Strong inhibitory signaling underlies stable temporal dynamics and working memory in spiking neural networks (presented by Leon)
3/7/2020 Lak et al. eLife (2020).Reinforcement biases subsequent perceptual decisions when confidence is low, a widespread behavioral phenomenon (presented by Tiffany Oña)
19/6/2020 Russo et al. Neuron (2020). Neural Trajectories in the Supplementary Motor Area and Motor Cortex Exhibit Distinct Geometries, Compatible with Different Classes of Computation (presented by Heike Stein)
12/6/2020 Groman et al. Neuron (2019). Orbitofrontal Circuits Control Multiple Reinforcement-Learning Processes (presented by Yerko Fuenteabla)
5/6/2020 Guo et al. Nature Communications (2018). Stable representation of sounds in the posterior striatum during flexible auditory decisions (presented by Jaime de la Rocha)
29/5/2020 Sokolenko et al. Neuropharmacology (2020). MK-801 impairs working memory on the Trial-Unique Nonmatch-to-Location test in mice, but this is not exclusively mediated by NMDA receptors on PV+ interneurons or forebrain pyramidal cells (presented by Carles Cindreu)
22/5/2020 Baek et al. Nature (2019).Neural circuits underlying a psychotherapeutic regimen for fear disorders (presented by Alex Hyafil)
15/5/2020 Johnston et al. PLoS Comput Biol. (2020). Nonlinear mixed selectivity supports reliable neural computation (presented by Pablo Jercog)
8/5/2020 Gridchyn et al. Neuron (2020).Assembly-Specific Disruption of Hippocampal Replay Leads to Selective Memory Deficit (presented by Jose Mari Esnaola)
30/4/2020 Panichello & Buschman. bioRxiv (2020).Selective control of working memory in prefrontal, parietal, and visual cortex (presented by Albert Compte)
24/4/2020 Reynaud et al. bioRxiv (2020) Humans sacrifice decision-making for action 2 execution when a demanding control of 3 movement is required (presented by Lluis Hernández)
17/4/2020 Kim et al. Cell (2016) Prefrontal Parvalbumin Neurons in Control of Attention (presented by Balma Serrano)
3/4/2020 Rademaker et al. Nature Neuroscience (2019) Coexisting representations of sensory and mnemonic information in human visual cortex (presented by David Bestue)
27/3/2020 Yao et al. Clinical Neurophysiology (2020) Improved detection of Parkinsonian resting tremor with feature engineering and Kalman filtering (presented by Dmitrii Todorov)
20/3/2020 Fisher et al. Nature (2019) Sensorimotor experience remaps visual input to a heading-direction network and Generation of stable heading representations in diverse visual scenes (presented by Klaus Wimmer)
13/3/2020 Semedo et al. Neuron (2019) Cortical Areas Interact through a Communication Subspace (presented by Joao Barbosa)
6/3/2020 Guilli et al. Nature Neruoscience (2019) Context-dependent representations of objects and space in the primate hippocampus during virtual navigation (presented by Federico)
28/2/2020 Sun et al. bioRxiv (2019) CA1 pyramidal cells organize an episode by segmented and ordered events (presented by Alex Roxin)
21/2/2020 Pinto et al. Neuron (2019) Task-Dependent Changes in the Large-Scale Dynamics and Necessity of Cortical Regions (presented by Klaus Wimmer)
7/2/2020 Hirokawa et al. Nature (2019) Frontal cortexneuron types categorically encode single decision variables (presented by Dani Duque)
31/1/2020 Bondanelli et al. bioRxiv (2019) Population coding and network dynamics during OFF responses in auditory cortex (presented by Joao Barbosa)
24/1/2020 Mejias & Wang. bioRxiv (2019) Mechanisms of distributed working memory in a large-scale model of the macaque neocortex (presented by Albert Compte)
17/1/2020 Teng & Kravitz. Nature Human Behaviour (2019) Visual working memory directly alters perception (presented by David Bestue)
10/1/2020 Gallego et al. Nature Neuroscience (2020) Long-term stability of cortical population dynamics underlying consistent behavior (presented by Genis Prat)