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Barcelona Computational, Cognitive and Systems Neuroscie​nce (BARCCSYN) 2021

The BARCCSYN meeting is a forum for the computational, systems and cognitive neuroscience community​ from the Barcelona area​.

Place: Institut d'Estudis Catalans (carrer del Carme 47, 08001 Barcelona)

Alex Hyafil, Centre de Recerca Matemàtica
Diogo Santos-Pata, Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC)
Silvana Silva Pereira, Center for Brain and Cognition (CBC-UPF)

Barccsyn is about bringing together researchers from computational, systems and cognitive neuroscience.  Our goal is to provide a forum for lively discussion and promote active collaboration between Barcelona-based research groups, especially between theorists and experimentalists.​
This is the ninth annual Barccsyn conference.  The conference will be held on Monday and Tuesday, July 5 and 6, 2021, at the Institut d'Estudis Catalans.  Each day we will have 8-10 brief oral presentations from local researchers, a poster session and a longer keynote lecture.

​Keynote Speaker

Ruth de Diego Balaguer (UB)
Adrián Ponce Álvarez (UPF)
Luca Bonatti (UPF)

For more information, abstract submission and registration, please see: